31st TOCPA conference (1 d)
09.03.2017, Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Helsinki
09.03.2017, Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Helsinki
TOC Practitioners Alliance is organizing together with Kukonaskel Oy:n a one day conference at Hotel Presidentti in Helsinki.
The focal areas of the conference will be Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) cases and TOC Thinking Processes. The conference is targeted to people already familiar with TOC or interested in TOC thinking, applications and networking with TOC practitioners.
1. Management, quality work and TOC? Quality people shadowing in the corners or hunting for real bottom line results
Presenters Rami Saajoranta and Leo Lauramaa
For the management of a company quality is a way to make more money. The management and quality/development organizations people do see the targets and priorities of the company in different way and many times it happens that quality work is not supporting to reach the company’s targets but is mostly regarded more like inevitable “waste”. The different certificates are justifying the quality development as long as it does not disturb the business.
In this above described set up it is enough to develop isolated parts and details of the company thus losing significant bottom line potential. The key question to break the conflict is “what should be in place so that the quality work could be directed in most productive way?”.
2. TOC Thinking and management trends
Presenter Juergen Kanz
Juergen is describing in his presentation how TOC Thinking Processes can help to survive in the ever more complex world where we face major trends like Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), globalization issues and demographic trends.
3. Working with layers of resistance
Presenter Jelena Fedurko
The 6 Layers of resistance to change is considered to be basics of TOC and is frequently referred to. We will look at specific aspects of working with the layers of resistance in order to enrich the understanding of how the TOC Thinking Processes tools are used to overcome resistance.
4. Using Thinking Processes for deciding on market strategies
Presenter Oded Cohen
Traditionally, while deciding on market strategies managers operate within the framework of the combinations of existing/new products and existing/new markets. We will be discussing how to integrate the traditional approach and the TOC thinking: The U-Shape, the Decisive Competitive Edge, the Build-Capitalize-Sustain approach, and the Change Design and Implementation path (S&T Tree).
5. How TOC thinking can and should be connected with Lean and Six Sigma thinking
Presenter Philip Marris
Experienced Operations Management consult Philip Marris, who used to work intensively on 80’s with Eli Goldratt will have this interesting topic.
TLS, the combination of the Theory of Constraints plus Lean plus Six Sigma is a very powerful cocktail. ToC can be used to identify the constraint of an organization and Lean or Lean Six Sigma can then be used to improve the constraint’s performance and this will directly impact the overall performance of the organization. By staying focused the impact of your Lean (and Six Sigma) initiatives will be significantly boosted. Several case studies will be presented by Philip Marris who has over 25 years of experience of implementing TLS in all kinds of industry.
6. CCPM and Construction Projects – Necessary but not Sufficient?
Presenter Ian Heptinstall
Ian will give examples of how Project Alliances remove the main obstacles to collaboration, and how when combined with CCPM, they can deliver significant benefits to capex projects.
7. Lessons learned while implementing CCPM in Construction Engineering companies
Presenter Nerius Jasinavicius
Implementing TOC in Construction Engineering environment is not an easy walk in the park. It is highly regulated environment with high degree of uncertainty and lots of stake-holders. Although any company and its environments are unique, but some issues are common for most of Construction Engineering companies, despite of their sizes and area of expertise. What are 5 most common obstacles for CCPM in Construction Engineering environment?
8. How Fira utilized TOC when creating breakthrough collaborative operational model
Presenter Harri Heikura
Fira Services has recently gained a lot of publicity while reducing drastically the lead time of a multi-storey house plumbing and bathroom renovation process. Harri will present, what kind of role the TOC Thinking Processes have been playing in the modification of the mode of operations.
The price of the event is 490 eur + VAT 24%. If there are more participants from the same organization, we grant a 10% discount per participant.
Additional offering: Networking dinner
We will organize a self financed dinner / networking event after the conference to all participants and presenters who want and are able to participate.
If you would like to participate inform about your attendance in advance.
Dinner registration: Send mail to leo.lauramaa (at) kukonaskel.com
Schedule of the day
08:30 Morning coffee
09:00 Opening of the event
09:15 Management, quality work and TOC? Quality people shadowing in the corners or hunting for real bottom line results
Rami Saajoranta and Leo Lauramaa
10:00 TOC Thinking and management trends
Juergen Kanz
10:45 Break / buffer
11:00 Using Thinking Processes for deciding on market strategies
Oded Cohen
11:45 Working with layers of resistance
Jelena Fedurko
12:30 Lunch
13:15 How TOC thinking can and should be connected with Lean and Six Sigma thinking?
Philip Marris
14:00 Lessons learned while implementing CCPM in Construction Engineering companies
Ian Heptinstall
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 CCPM and Construction Projects – Necessary but not Sufficient?
Nerius Jasinavicius
15:45 How Fira utilized TOC when creating breakthrough collaborative operational model?
Harri Heikura
18:30 Networking dinner for participants and presenters (signing up required)
Presenter bio’s
Oded Cohen (Israel/Estonia)
is Co-Founder and Co-President of TOCPA, with nearly 40 years of experience in developing, teaching and implementing TOC methodology, solutions and implementation processes working directly with Dr. Goldratt all over the world. Oded is the author of Ever Improve – A Guide to Managing Production the TOC Way, he co-authored the book Deming & Goldratt: The Theory of Constraints and the System of Profound Knowledge – The Decalogue, and Theory of Constraints Fundamentals, and wrote a chapter in The TOC Handbook.
Jelena Fedurko (Estonia)
is a Co-Founder and Co-President of TOC Practitioners Alliance TOCPA and International Director for TocExpert and TOC Strategic Solutions. Since 1999, she has been working with TOC as an international expert, trainer and consultant in all areas of TOC in various countries all over the world. Jelena is the author of four advances books on TOC Thinking Processes: Behind the Cloud, Through Clouds to Solutions, Typical mistakes in working with TOC Logical Tools, A Good Strategy & Tactic Tree (2016), and a co-author of the book Theory of Constraints Fundamentals (2012).
Harri Heikura (Finland) Fira … bio coming soon
Ian Heptinstall (UK)
is a consultant, mentor and trainer in project management and procurement. A mechanical engineer by education, most of his career since graduating in 1985 has been split between roles in projects and procurement. In his early career he managed capital projects in the process industry working in the UK, France and Belgium. Later he focused on procurement roles, and from 2003-10 was Director of Procurement and Supply Chain for a large UK construction company. His main focus now is to persuade the massive construction sector to change their mindset about how projects should be procured, planned and executed. In 2016 he wrote a book about his approach, The Executive Guide to Breakthrough Project Management, co-authored with experienced TOC expert Robert Bolton. He lives in the UK, where his kids and grand-children are, and Switzerland, where the mountains and pistes are. He works both from home, and where ever his clients are.
Nerius Jasinavicius (Lituania)
is the Founder and senior partner of TOC Sprendimai and a Founding Member of TOCPA. Nerius has more than 16 years of TOC exposure, over 30 implementations in production, supply chain, distribution, project management and public services, more than 100 companies trained.
Juergen Kanz (Germany)
is a Diplom Ingenieur in Electrical Engineering. He has several Certifications from Universities and Institutes and almost 30 years of experience in Management of Innovation and Operations in Photonics and Power Electronic Industries. He is TOCICO certified in Thinking Processes and co-author and translator of “Do-It_Yourself Theory of Constraints eBooks for “Production”, “Project Management” and “Distribution” in German language. His personal interests are Systems Thinking, Theory of Constraints, Management Science, and Mathematics.
Leo Lauramaa (Finland)
(MSc. econ.), Kukonaskel Oy, is experienced management and operations development consultant. He has more than 35 years’ experience on international trade, supply chain management, strategy work and participative change management. Leo is representing the Finnish translations of TOC developer Eli Goldratt’s books and he is utilizing constantly TOC Thinking Processes and other TOC-related methods in is consultancy engagements.
Philip Marris (France)
is CEO of Marris Consulting, a management consultancy based in Paris France. He has worked with over 150 different companies over the past 25 years including: Siemens, McDonald’s, Bulgari, ArcelorMittal, Safran, Valeo, GlaxoSmithKline, French Railways, SKF and Embraer. Half of the company’s projects are in production, the other half in projects (New Product Development, MRO, Engineering To Order …). He is the author of the French reference book « Le Management Par les Contraintes en gestion industrielle ». He is the founder of the LinkedIn “TLS – ToC Lean & Six Sigma” group. He started his ToC journey in 1986 when he joined Creative Output France and had the honor and pleasure of working with Eli Goldratt and his brother Issi Pazgal. Philip Marris was in charge of Manufacturing Operations in large consulting firms of over 1000 people. He has over 30 years of experience in industry and in consulting. He is English and lives in Paris, France.
Rami Saajoranta (Finland)
(MSc. eng., TOC Jonah, TOCICO Certified TPP, LSS GB) has more than 15 years’ experience of different development positions. Long career as Quality Manager and the last years in strategy development in Gasum Oy (Finnish Natural Gas company) have motivated to dig deeper into this above described conflict. Rami has especially concentrated on utilization of Thinking Processes both in strategy – and quality & development work.
Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
The price of the event is 490 eur + VAT 24%. If there are more participants from the same organization, we grant a 10% discount per participant.
31st TOCPA conference (1 d)
09.03.2017, Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Helsinki