Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) (2 pv)
Tieturi järjestää nyt koulutuksen:

Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) (2 pv)

1550 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %

1550 EUR

11.-18.09.2019, Tieturi Oy, Helsinki Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki 8 heinäkuun, 2019 Sampo Korppoo

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia

Agile professionals have long waited for the next step, one that would build on the skills learned during the Certified ScrumMaster certification. Since working as ScrumMaster you likely have realized that there is more to it than what was covered in Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) class. This Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) training explores agile facilitation & coaching skills and how you as ScrumMaster use these to enhance performance and satisfaction in teams. Successful completion of this course grants you skills for these and Advanced Certified ScrumMaster certification.

Target audience
Scrum Masters, agile coaches, team leaders, team coaches, team leads, technical managers, technical leads Note: to attend the training you need to have at least one year of work experience as a Scrum Master.

To take this training you need to have a current Certified ScrumMaster Certification (CSM) and have at least one year of work experience as a scrum master.

After successful completion of the course you are listed as Advanced Certified Scrum Master in Scrum Alliance’s register. Note that two days full time active participation is needed to pass the class.

Training material
The training material is in English, training is run in Finnish or English (see flags next to the date). The training is run using material officially approved by Scrum Alliance.

Goals of advanced level scrum master training
This advanced-level, very hands-on and fast-paced course is designed to develop your ScrumMaster skills from good to great, to go beyond the basics of the ScrumMaster by providing you skills to:a-csm

– Facilitate better dialogue between the Product Owner, Scrum Team members, customers, stakeholders, and executives
– Respond confidently when encountering resistance to change, lack of engagement, low motivation, and unavailability of key people
– Increase engagement to encourage greater accountability, commitment, and buy-in
– Serve better Product Owners to deliver value to customers and users
– Scale Scrum and Agile beyond a single team


Training course consists of two days:

The training starting on 11.09.2019, has the 2nd training day on 18.09.2019

Timetable for Advanced Scrum training
Course days begin at 8:45 and end at 16:15, morning coffee available from 8:30 am onwards.

Training card on this Scrum certification training
Those who pay with Tieturi’s training card will be charged 90 eur + vat. for the Scrum Alliance’s certification fee.


1. Towards Mastery
• ShuHaRi

2. Lean, Agile, & Scrum

Agile and Lean Values, Principles, and Worldview
• Agile Manifesto and Scrum
• Historical outline of Scrum and Agile
• Other Lean/Agile development frameworks
• ScrumMaster rectifying violation of Agile principles
• Personality traits of an excellent ScrumMaster

Empirical Process Control
• Inspect-and-adapt process in Scrum events
• When does transparency, inspection, and adaption not work effectively?

3. Scrum Master Core Competencies

• Facilitative listening techniques
• Multiple frames of reference
• Divergent thinking and convergent thinking
• Contents and agenda
• Recused Scrum Master
• Obstacles to clear communication
• Working agreement

• Coaching Stance
• Coaching Techniques
• Coaching Let’s do it

• Explain Scrum to a Business Stakeholder

4. Service to the Development Team

Definition of Done
• Definition of Done for a non-software product
• Improving “Done.”
• Creating Definition of Done

• Coaching to foster greater self-organization
• Self-organizing team and challenges during a retrospective
• Countermeasures to challenges

Team Dynamics
• A working group vs. a team
• Team formation and development
• Attributes of effective teams
• Improving team performance

Value of Development Practices

5. Services to the Product Owner

Coaching the Product Owner
• From Product Vision to Product Backlog
• Facilitating the creation of the Product Vision
• Creating Product Backlog items
• Facilitating a Product Backlog refinement session
• Product Owner in the retrospective

6. Service to the Organization

Resolving Impediments
• Addressing typical impediments for a Scrum Team
• Impediment evaluation in depth
• Identify a root cause(s) of an impediment

Scaling Scrum
• Why scaling might not be such a great idea
• Techniques for handling dependencies
• Scaling frameworks

Organizational Change
• Change in an organization

7. Scrum Mastery

Personal Development
• Personal fulfillment of the five Scrum Values
• Your driving factors
• Destructive conflict
• Responding to a conflict

Servant Leadership
• Goals and attributes of a servant leader
• Resolving an organizational impediment

Tieturi Oy, Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki

11.09.2019, 18.09.2019

1 550 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Alle 14 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksusta 50 %. Alle 7 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksun täysimääräisenä. Mikäli et saavu koulutukseen, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun ja mahdolliset jo tilatut testit.
Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin kansainvälisten koulutuskumppaniemme koulutuksiin. Näiden koulutusten osalta olemme sinuun yhteydessä ilmoittautumisesi jälkeen.

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