Diploma in Cyber Security (10 pv)
Aalto PRO järjestää nyt koulutuksen:

Diploma in Cyber Security (10 pv)

8 900 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %


16.11.2022-28.03.2023, Aalto-yliopisto Töölö, Helsinki Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki 19 syyskuun, 2022 Sampo Korppoo

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia

In the cyber world, security cannot be provided within a company, but it covers the entire supply and value chain as well as all stakeholders. We rely on digital technologies and services in modern societies. Like most other good things, digital innovations come with side effects and risks.

The Diploma in Cyber Security program will provide you with a comprehensive viewpoint and tools for cyber security management. The training will help you enable your company to become more resilient and to function in the highly digitalized world and cyber environment. It will also help you identify and prepare for threats and disruptions and protect critical assets in your company and in the value network.


Successful cyber security measures ensure business operations and serve the organization’s strategic goals. Improved competencies allow the organization to function and prosper in the cyber environment.
– You are able to detect and analyze critical cyber risks from your organization’s view-point.
– You are more capable of mitigating and controlling risks with appropriate measures and with a business mindset.
– You have a comprehensive set of tools to build cyber resilience and continuity in your organization and value networks by analyzing your company’s cyber security case throughout the program.
– You are able to manage cyber crises and disruptions and help the organization recover from those.
– You get a possibility to network and learn from other cyber security professionals.

– Security Managers and Directors who want to deepen their cyber security competences
– Security professionals who will take on more demanding roles in cyber security
– Consultants and Trainers working in the fields of cyber security, information security, and digitalization
– Executives and Business Directors who want to get a comprehensive understanding of the importance of cyber security for business

Examples of participants’ work titles
– Chief Digital Officer
– Information Security Manager
– Security Director, Security Manager
– Technology Manager
– Business Director

Participation in the program does not require a technical background. The program will be delivered in English.


Jari Pirhonen has worked in a variety of security management roles and currently works for TietoEVRY as Chief Security Officer.

Hänen kiinnostuksen kohteensa on turvallisuus yleensä, erityisesti tietoturva liiketoiminnan, yritysturvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan näkökulmista. Pirhonen on myös Aalto PRO:n Turvallisuusjohtamisen koulutusohjelma TJK:n alumni.

Dr. Valtteri Vuorisalo works as a director in defence and public safety accounts for Accenture and as a research fellow at King’s College London.

Työssään ja tutkimuksessaan Valtteri keskittyy erityisesti data- ja tietovirtojen yhteensopivuuden mahdollistamiseen ja näiden virtojen hyödyntämiseen.

Hadi Ghanbari works as an Assistant professor at Aalto University School of Business and teaches courses on cyber security.


Inspiring and comprehensive modules
– and problem solving with peers

Cyber case
– Engaging and relevant analysis of a challenge of your choice

Experienced and rich pool of trainers
– from the academia, public authorities, and industry


Contents and Schedule
The program consists of nine training days and one half-day crisis communication workshop.

Training modules consist of lectures, workshops, simulations, cases, and different types of group assignments. Some modules might have a pre-assignment and preparation beforehand. Throughout the program, you will analyze your own organization’s cyber security case, and apply learning outcomes to that context. This assignment is completed mostly independently and outside classes.

The program includes a visit to NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence in Tallinn.


November 16–17, 2022
Cyber Security Landscape
– Characteristics of cyber security
– Business oriented cyber security
– Managing cyber security: culture and engaging organization
– Human factors in cyber security

December 15–16, 2022
Vulnerabilities, Risks, and Mitigation
– Detection, analysis, and mitigation of vulnerabilities
– Situational awareness in cyber security
– Cyber security of technologies
– Managing cyber risks, risk tolerance, and risk interdependence
– Regulation and cyber security

January 16–17, 2023
Cyber Security Interdependence
– Managing cyber security in supply chains
– Cyber security partnerships and networks: contracts, audits, and cooperation
– National cyber security network
– Visit to NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence

February 9, 2023 and February 21–22, 2023
Incident Management and Recovery
– Managing crisis communication and reputational crisis (0.5 days)
– Cyber resilience: continuity planning and recovery
– Simulation of a cyber crisis

March 28, 2023
Future of Cyber Security
– Information war and hybrid threats
– Ethics and cyber security
– Business disruptions and cyber security
– Cyber security and technological evolution

Aalto-yliopisto Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki, Remote participation possibility

November 16, 2022 – March 28, 2023

8 900 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Mikäli Asiakas peruuttaa osallistumisensa valmennusohjelmaan 15-21 vrk ennen valmennusohjelman alkua, veloitetaan Asiakkaalta 20 % Palvelun hinnasta. Peruutuksen tapahtuessa 8-14 vrk ennen valmennusohjelman alkua, veloitetaan Asiakkaalta 50 % Palvelun hinnasta. Jos peruutus tapahtuu tämän jälkeen tai peruutusilmoitus jää kokonaan tekemättä, veloitetaan Asiakkaalta koko osallistumismaksu.

Register for the program by October 17, 2022.

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