IPMA C Certification Preparation Training in English (2 pv)
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IPMA C Certification Preparation Training in English (2 pv)

1550 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %

1550 EUR

20.-21.05.2019, Tieturi Oy, Helsinki Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki 8 huhtikuun, 2019 Sampo Korppoo

Projektinhallinta , Toiminnan kehittäminen

This training prepares you for passing the IPMA C level certificate test. Achieving the IPMA C level certification requires that you successful pass a theory test and a workshop. This training prepares you for the both parts of IPMA C level test.

This training is targeted for experienced project management professionals, who want to demonstrate their competence in this field by passing the valued IPMA C certification test. In this training the participants will receive useful knowledge and skills linked to the subjects covered in the theory test and the workshop.

Target audience
Project Management professionals, that have general experiences of project planning, project execution and related methods. Persons that want to prove these skills through the internationally recognized IPMA C level certificate.

The following documentation is recommended as preparatory literature: James P. Lewis (2006) Fundamentals of Project Management, ISBN 978-0814408797

Karlos Artto, Kai Koskinen, Kalle Kähkönen (1999): Managing business by projects, vol 1 & 2, ISBN (vol 1): 951-22-4671-6, 639 p. ISBN; (vol 2): 951-22-4672-4, 643-1298 p.

Participants are recommended to get acquainted with the C-level testing requirements and the related application. This material includes the National Competence Baseline 3.0, the Project experience form and the self-assessment form. The application form as well as the more detailed application guidance can be found at the Project Management Association of Finland web-page. The course participants should have prior experience of working as a project manager.

We offer IPMA C certification preparation training also in Finnish

Content of IPMA C training

Day 1

– The certification process
– Project Management
– Run-through of preparatory questions
– The establishment of objectives and phases
– Project breakdowns
– Task durations and work-load estimation
– Schedule Network Analysis and scheduling techniques
– Resource planning and management
– Cost planning and management

Day 2

– Earned Value Management technique
– Risk management
– Project reporting, execution and organisation
– Practice test
– The certification test is organized by an independent third party (PRY). The certification test is not included in the training, each participant has to apply him/herself at www.pry.fi.

Course is run in English if anybody requires it, otherwise it is in Finnish.

The training days 1 is 9.00 am – 4.30 pm, the training day 2 is 9.00 am – 4.00 pm. Morning coffee available from 8.30 am.

Tieturi Oy, Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki


1 550 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Alle 14 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksusta 50 %. Alle 7 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksun täysimääräisenä. Mikäli et saavu koulutukseen, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun ja mahdolliset jo tilatut testit.
Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin kansainvälisten koulutuskumppaniemme koulutuksiin. Näiden koulutusten osalta olemme sinuun yhteydessä ilmoittautumisesi jälkeen.

Kouluttajan muut kurssit

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