ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) (3 pv)
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ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) (3 pv)

2340 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %

2340 EUR

18.-20.03.2020, Tieturi Oy, Helsinki Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki 12 helmikuun, 2020 Sampo Korppoo

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia

ITIL 4 Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) module provides you with the practical skills necessary to create a ’learning and improving’ IT organization, with a strong and effective strategic direction. This training covers the influence and impact of Agile and Lean ways of working, and how they can be leveraged to an organization’s advantage. It will provide you with a practical and strategic method for planning and delivering continual improvement with necessary agility.

ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve is aimed at managers of all levels involved in shaping direction and strategy or developing a continually improving team. It covers both practical and strategic elements.

Tar­get Group
This course is aimed at IT leaders and managers of all levels of the organization who are seeking to obtain the ITIL Managing Professional (MP) designation or the ITIL Strategic Leader (SL) designation, and/or who are involved in shaping IT direction and strategy.

If you are leading a team (or teams) and are responsible for planning work, improving products/services, or managing organizational change, this certification is relevant for you

ITIL 4 Foundation certification is a mandatory pre-requisite.

Lear­ning Outco­mes of ITIL 4 Stra­te­gist: Di­rect, Plan and Im­pro­ve trai­ning

Course begins at 9.00, breakfast is served from 8.15 onwards. The training days end at 16.30 – 17.
The last day ends at 15.00, after that is the (optional) certification test at 15.00 – 17.00.

By attanding this ITIL 4 Strategist training course, you’ll reach the following learning outcomes:
– Understand the Key Concepts of Direct, Plan & Improve
– Understand the scope of what is to be directed and/or planned, and know how to use key principles and methods of direction and planning in that context
– Understand the role of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and know how to integrate the principles and methods into the service value system
– Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of continual improvement for all types of improvements
– Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of Communication and Organizational Change Management to direction, planning and improvement
– Understand and know how to use the key principles and methods of measurement and reporting in direction, planning and improvement
– Understand and know how to direct, plan and improve value streams and practices

ITIL 4 Stra­te­gist: Di­rect, Plan and Im­pro­ve Exam
– Exam duration: 1 hour 30 minutes + 25% for non-native English speakers
– Number of questions: 40 questions
– Pass mark (provisionally): 28/40 marks – 70%
– Closed book
– No expiry date
– Marking method: There is no nagative marking. Each question is worth 1 mark
– If you are participating this training course remotely via net, you can take also the certification test online at your computer at the time most convenient to you. This test option is available for you even if you participate on an onsite training course.

Tieturi Oy, Mannerheimintie 15, Helsinki


2 340 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %. The price of taking the certification test one time is included in the training price.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Alle 14 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksusta 50 %. Alle 7 päivää ennen koulutusta tehdyistä perumisista perimme osallistumismaksun täysimääräisenä. Mikäli et saavu koulutukseen, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun ja mahdolliset jo tilatut testit.
Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin kansainvälisten koulutuskumppaniemme koulutuksiin. Näiden koulutusten osalta olemme sinuun yhteydessä ilmoittautumisesi jälkeen.

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